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A Word About Setting Goals

Goal setters are the movers and shakers in life.  They are the ones who are continually working to use the gifts that God has entrusted to them for the building up of His kingdom on this earth.  They are the ones who are busily improving the world around them and constantly blessing and influencing the lives of others.  If you can learn to 1)
Hear the voice of heaven in setting your goals and 2) draw on the powers of heaven in accomplishing them, you will truly be the woman of influence you were born to become.  

Each of the Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire awards are earned through goal setting.  Each goal has been given a description of its focus and has several examples listed, but we want these goals to be your goals.  That is not to say that you may not choose one of our examples – the important thing is that you are moved upon by the Spirit when you decide upon it.  We hope that we have set up the goal setting pages in the guide book in a way that will walk you through the process successfully.

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