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All Things Witness

And behold, all things have their likeness, and 
all things are created and made to bear record of me, 
both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; 
things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.         Moses 6:63

All Things Witness

Nature Appreciation

You may find that as you carefully observe things all around you, you find yourself growing in your understanding of who God is.  Just look at the fabulous colors of a sunset, the intricate details on the wings of a bird or on a beetle, the rugged scars on the mountainside, the ever-changing shapes of the clouds, the apparent shape of a waterfall (which shape is actually made of movement rather than a solid shape), and the patterns in a field of grass made by the blowing wind.  As you learn to appreciate the beauty of nature, you will learn that God delights in beautifying his creations – just look at all of the beautiful things all around you!  


Make an extra effort to notice the beauty and organization of nature – and drink in the joy of nature’s beauty!  Set a goal and accomplish it.  


For example:
     Count the petals on the flowers.  Make a record of how many kinds of flowers can you find with five petals, eight petals, thirteen petals.  Cut a banana sideways.  What shape is in the middle?  Do the same with an apple, an orange, etc.  
    Watch and follow the stars for a month.
    Observe and identify 10-20 species of birds native to your area.
     Go on a nature hike.  Make a list of things that you can tell bear witness of God’s hand.  Record how they bear witness of God to you.
    Learn about how the Chinese paint cherry blossoms.  Record how their observations bear witness that there is a God to you.
    Go on a nature hike up Provo Canyon (or better yet: Slot Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zions, or Arches!).  Look for places in the rocks where it looks like water or wind carved a neat design in the landscape and then draw a picture of it – or artfully take a picture of it.  Then, write how that bears witness of God to you.
    Go on a nature hike.  Close your eyes for several minutes.  Notice all of the  things that you hear, feel, and smell.  Open your eyes.  Notice all of the things that you see.  Record how these things bring you closer to God.


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