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Behold the Little Ones

She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household.
Proverbs 31:15

Behold the Little Ones

Child Care

One of Christ’s most frequent teachings was about remembering the children.  As women, we have the opportunity of becoming mother’s and having the most intimate influence anybody has.  Choose a goal that will help you learn more about understanding children and caring for their needs.


For Example:


 Attend a class on child development.

 Compile at least twenty quotes from prophets that instruct us about how to raise children in righteousness.  Hint: you might ask sister Marilyn Bunker for a few!

 Volunteer to babysit for friends or family members while they attend meetings, do temple work, or attend a work project.

 Assist a primary or Sunday School teacher.

 Provide a mini day camp for some of the children you know.

 Put together a babysitting kit.

 Make a quiet book.

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